Chirp Magazine -- Puzzle Spread (Fiddler Festival - Alsace of France)!

Here’s a really fun puzzle spread illustration created for the October 2022 issue of Chirp Magazine, depicting the Fiddler Festival in Alsace of France! A lot of liberty is taken here so kids get a glimpse of the real thing, but can find letters hidden in the scene, among other things to do within the scene! My thanks to those at Owl and Chirp for the enjoyable project!

Vintage Book Week 23 Challenge!

A group of illustrators hosted a challenge called “Vintage Book Week 23” on Instagram, giving folks four vintage books to over the course of a week to reinterpret as they wished. One could treat it as a Draw This In Your Style (#dtiys) or do a completely updated version. I treated them more as a DTIYS, which gave me opportunity to try out brushes, etc. I love those challenges to work on things like that! So I am posting here my versions, as well as the original book covers, for comparison!

Oh! I did another version of the Hansel and Gretel book cover, closer to the original. I didn’t like it much at first, but it’s grown on me!